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Sunday Services at 10:30 A.M.

February 2025
Our half-plate recipient in February is Dismas House.

February 23
Prof Jane Chaplin - History as a Teacher

Music: Rosie Hill

March 2025
Our half-plate recipient in March is the Boys & Girls Club

March 2
Rev. Barbara Threet - On Forgiveness

At the 2024 Auction, Cathy Thomas bought the right to choose a topic for a sermon this year, and this is that sermon. We’ll reflect on what it means to forgive someone, including how we forgive ourselves.
MUSIC: Marina

March 9 All Ages Sunday
Generous Listening

Many times, we struggle to connect with others. We might be aware of people around us going through something, and we have no idea what we could say to help them, so we shy away. But, being there for someone doesn’t require you to say anything profound! Today we will practice some simple listening techniques that will help you have better, deeper conversations with the people in your life. Generous listening goes beyond hearing words - it is listening with both the heart and mind, with the intention to embrace openness, courage, curiosity and responsiveness. Come explore how communication builds community.
MUSIC: Marina

March 16
Calvin Dame - topic tba

March 23
David Darton - The Arc of the Spiritual Universe

March 30
Nancy Weis & Jean Marie Walker - Dirt communion from the UUA

Where We Are Located

We are located at 117 West Street, downtown Rutland. For directions please call 802-775-0850.

A Liberal Religious Community

Are you looking for a church home where,

~ people affirm the integrity of each person's spiritual journey?

~ members work towards a fair and just society?

~ you can join a supportive community for all ages?

If this sounds like a church for you, be our guest this Sunday at 10:30

Upcoming Events

Friday, January 31, at 6pm
Game Night
Join us at UUCR for a board game night. A fun way to spend a cold evening. All are welcome.
Grab a favorite board game to teach the group, or just stop by to learn a new one.

Saturday, March 8, at 7:30pm
Songwriter's Showcase AND The Plumb Bobs Concert
link to flyer bit.ly/40NaGaO
Admission by donation ($10 suggested)

Sunday, March 16, at 4pm
It's the Almost Spring Annual Goods and Service Auction
Donations are due by Tuesday, February 25. bit.ly/UUAuction2025

Saturday, March 29, at 6pm
Spring Contra Dance!
All dances taught, all ages welcome.

Saturday, April 26
Phil Henry and the Newsfeed
more details to follow

Our Mission Statement

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland exists to provide a joyful and mutually supportive community of all ages, while fostering spiritual growth and the search for personal truth for the free and creative expression of thought, feeling and ideas; and to make a difference here in our own fellowship and in the wider community by working for a more tolerant, respectful and compassionate world.

Sunday services are at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome in the church if they follow state pandemic recommendations. Remote attendance is also welcome using this link: zoom.us/j/96613644703?pwd=YmQzUmJSWmNSTmtOVUFMWFZvTU9UZz09 Meeting ID: 966 1364 4703, Passcode: 386757.]

Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland Sunday Service: 10:30 A.M.

117 West Street Rutland, VT 05701

Mailing Address: PO Box 754 Rutland VT 05702

Phone: 802-775-0850 uurutland@gmail.com

Copyright 2006, Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland
Rutland, Vermont